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Solar Power Firm Promoted by Greta Thunberg Faces £1.5 Million Lawsuit Over House Fire

Green Energy Electrical, a solar power company endorsed by Greta Thunberg, is being sued for damages exceeding £1.5 million after a house fire allegedly caused by its panels.

Green Energy Electrical, a solar power company endorsed by climate activist Greta Thunberg, is facing a lawsuit from Mark and Sarah Evans, who claim that their house fire in Essex was caused by a fault in one of the company’s photovoltaic panels or negligent installation. The couple has accused Green Energy of negligence and breaching their contract. The company, in turn, has rejected the allegations, dismissing them as speculative and not the most likely causes. The case highlights the potential risks associated with renewable energy technologies and raises questions about the responsibility of solar power providers in ensuring the safety of their installations.

Allegations and Counterarguments

Mr. and Mrs. Evans paid Green Energy Electrical £4,627 for a solar-heating system featuring 14 panels to be installed on their roof in 2017. In April 2021, a fire broke out at their home, which they claim was caused by a fault in the photovoltaic panels or a heating fault between a panel and electrical cables. However, the couple cannot provide specific details about the fault due to the complete destruction of their property in the fire.

The Evanses allege that the fire occurred during lunchtime when the solar panel system would have been generating substantial amounts of electricity. They also state that no one had entered the home’s loft since the panel’s installation and that the wood-burning stove had not been used for at least three months. Witnesses reported seeing smoke and flames coming from the bottom-right solar panel.

Green Energy Electrical denies the couple’s claims and instead suggests that the fire may have been caused by someone else’s defective installation of electrical wiring in the roof, microcracking of panels during installation, or physical damage to the panels. The company maintains that the couple’s allegations are speculative and not the most likely causes of the fire.

The Role of Green Energy Electrical and Greta Thunberg’s Endorsement

Green Energy Electrical has used Greta Thunberg’s activism over climate change in its marketing tactics, capitalizing on her influence to promote its solar power solutions. The company encourages customers to reduce their carbon footprint and save money on energy bills by installing solar panels. Thunberg’s endorsement has undoubtedly helped raise awareness about renewable energy and its benefits, but this lawsuit raises questions about the responsibility of companies like Green Energy Electrical in ensuring the safety and reliability of their products.

The Implications for Solar Power Providers

The lawsuit against Green Energy Electrical highlights the potential risks associated with solar power installations. As renewable energy technologies become more prevalent, it is crucial for solar power providers to prioritize safety and quality control. While solar power offers numerous environmental benefits, incidents like the Evans’ house fire underscore the importance of rigorous testing, proper installation, and ongoing maintenance to prevent accidents and address any potential issues promptly.

The Future of Solar Power and Consumer Confidence

The outcome of the lawsuit against Green Energy Electrical could have significant implications for the solar power industry and consumer confidence in renewable energy technologies. If the court finds the company liable for the fire, it may lead to increased scrutiny and regulation of solar power providers, ensuring that they adhere to strict safety standards. On the other hand, if Green Energy Electrical successfully defends itself, it could bolster consumer confidence in the industry and reinforce the notion that solar power is a safe and reliable energy source.


The lawsuit against Green Energy Electrical serves as a cautionary tale about the potential risks associated with solar power installations. While renewable energy technologies offer significant environmental benefits, it is crucial for solar power providers to prioritize safety and quality control. The outcome of this case will not only impact the reputation of Green Energy Electrical but also shape the future of the solar power industry and consumer confidence in renewable energy. As the world transitions towards a more sustainable future, ensuring the safety and reliability of renewable energy technologies should remain a top priority.

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